从 Web of Science 上检索“气候变化”与“洪水”相关的论文,并将检索结果下载保存:
- 主题词 (Topic) 关键词为: AND
"climat* chang*"
ANDflood* OR "hydrologic* disaster*"
- 搜索时间 (Year Published) 为
- 搜索索引 (Web of Science Index) 为:
搜索结果共计 11388 条
由于 WOS 上 Year Published 字段是会同时包含 the publication 和 the early access date 字段的,所以在统计 PY 的时候,会出现依然有 2024 年的文献的情况
利用 Python Pandas 包读取下载的 txt
文件并进行合并为一个 DataFrame
。删除不需要的 AB
和 CR
import pandas as pd
import glob
# 获取所有csv文件的路径
csv_files = glob.glob('data/第*.txt')
# 创建一个列表来存储所有的DataFrame
dfs = []
# 循环读取其余的csv文件并将其追加到df中
for file in csv_files:
# 制表符分隔符
temp_df = pd.read_table(file, sep='\t', quoting=3)
# 打印每个csv文件的行数
# print('Number of rows in {}: {}'.format(file, temp_df.shape[0]))
# 使用pd.concat合并所有的DataFrame
df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
# 如果 'AB' 和 'CR' 列存在,删除它们
for col in ['AB', 'CR']:
if col in df.columns:
df.drop(columns=col, inplace=True)
# 删除 'PY' 为 2024 的行
df = df[df['PY'] != 2024]
# 打印行数
print('Total number of rows: {}'.format(df.shape[0]))
# 预览若干行
# # 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
# df.to_csv('data/ori-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
Total number of rows: 11141
PT | AU | BA | BE | GP | AF | BF | CA | TI | SO | ... | WC | WE | SC | GA | PM | OA | HC | HP | DA | UT | |
0 | J | Tavares, PD; Acosta, R; Nobre, P; Resende, NC;... | NaN | NaN | NaN | da Silva Tavares, Priscila; Acosta, Ricardo; N... | NaN | NaN | Water balance components and climate extremes ... | REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE | ... | Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)... | Environmental Sciences & Ecology | 9B6ZG | 36820201.0 | Green Published, Bronze | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000934883400001 |
1 | J | Zhou, YH; Wu, ZN; Xu, HS; Wang, HL; Ma, BY; Lv, H | NaN | NaN | NaN | Zhou, Yihong; Wu, Zening; Xu, Hongshi; Wang, H... | NaN | NaN | Integrated dynamic framework for predicting ur... | JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY | ... | Engineering, Civil; Geosciences, Multidiscipli... | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) | Engineering; Geology; Water Resources | C9CO3 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000964816400001 |
2 | J | Latifi, M; Rakhshandehroo, G; Nikoo, MR; Moose... | NaN | NaN | NaN | Latifi, Morvarid; Rakhshandehroo, Gholamreza; ... | NaN | NaN | Multi-stakeholder stochastic optimization of u... | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | ... | Green & Sustainable Science & Technology; Engi... | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) | Science & Technology - Other Topics; Engineeri... | 8B9GI | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000917227500001 |
3 rows × 69 columns
# 添加一列 No. 列作为索引
if 'No.' not in df.columns:
df.insert(0, 'No.', range(1, 1 + len(df)))
# 利用正则表达式反向预查去掉所有单元格中 "," 和 ";" 后的空白字符
df.replace(r'(?<=,|;)\s+', '', regex=True, inplace=True)
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件,这个文件作为原始数据
df.to_csv('data/ori-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
No. | PT | AU | BA | BE | GP | AF | BF | CA | TI | ... | WC | WE | SC | GA | PM | OA | HC | HP | DA | UT | |
0 | 1 | J | Tavares,PD;Acosta,R;Nobre,P;Resende,NC;Chou,SC... | NaN | NaN | NaN | da Silva Tavares,Priscila;Acosta,Ricardo;Nobre... | NaN | NaN | Water balance components and climate extremes ... | ... | Environmental Sciences;Environmental Studies | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)... | Environmental Sciences & Ecology | 9B6ZG | 36820201.0 | Green Published,Bronze | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000934883400001 |
1 | 2 | J | Zhou,YH;Wu,ZN;Xu,HS;Wang,HL;Ma,BY;Lv,H | NaN | NaN | NaN | Zhou,Yihong;Wu,Zening;Xu,Hongshi;Wang,Huiliang... | NaN | NaN | Integrated dynamic framework for predicting ur... | ... | Engineering,Civil;Geosciences,Multidisciplinar... | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) | Engineering;Geology;Water Resources | C9CO3 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000964816400001 |
2 | 3 | J | Latifi,M;Rakhshandehroo,G;Nikoo,MR;Mooselu,MG | NaN | NaN | NaN | Latifi,Morvarid;Rakhshandehroo,Gholamreza;Niko... | NaN | NaN | Multi-stakeholder stochastic optimization of u... | ... | Green & Sustainable Science & Technology;Engin... | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) | Science & Technology - Other Topics;Engineerin... | 8B9GI | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000917227500001 |
3 | 4 | J | Liu,ZZ;Fagherazzi,S;Liu,XH;Shao,DD;Miao,CY;Cai... | NaN | NaN | NaN | Liu,Zezheng;Fagherazzi,Sergio;Liu,Xinhui;Shao,... | NaN | NaN | Long-term variations in water discharge and se... | ... | Environmental Sciences;Marine & Freshwater Bio... | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) | Environmental Sciences & Ecology;Marine & Fres... | 6V5IM | NaN | gold | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000895081300001 |
4 | 5 | J | Bouaakkaz,B;El Morjani,ZE;Bouchaou,L | NaN | NaN | NaN | Bouaakkaz,Brahim;El Morjani,Zine El Abidine;Bo... | NaN | NaN | Social vulnerability assessment to flood hazar... | ... | Geosciences,Multidisciplinary | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) | Geology | 6S8LQ | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 2024-04-22 | WOS:000893234900001 |
5 rows × 70 columns
创建一个 DataFrame
将 AU 列按 ;
分割为一个数组,然后统计作者数量作为 NO.AU
列插入到该 DataFrame
# 创建一个新的 DataFrame
no_au_df = pd.DataFrame()
# 将 AU 列中的字符串,将其用 ';' 分割为一个列表,作为 AU 列
# 先判断 AU 列是否为字符串,如果是字符串,再进行分割
no_au_df['NO.'] = df['No.']
no_au_df['AU'] = df['AU'].str.split(';')
no_au_df['AF'] = df['AF'].str.split(';')
# 对 AF 的列表进行去重
# 真是服气了,怎么还有同一个作者出现两次的情况(
no_au_df['AF'] = no_au_df['AF'].apply(lambda x: list(set(x)) if isinstance(x, list) else x)
# 计算 AU 列中的作者数量,将其作为 'NO.AU' 列,插入到 AU 列前面
idx = no_au_df.columns.get_loc('AU')
no_au_df.insert(idx, 'NO.AU', no_au_df['AU'].apply(len))
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
no_au_df.to_csv('data/no-au-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
# 按照 'NO.AU' 列降序排列
temp_df = no_au_df.sort_values('NO.AU', ascending=False, inplace=False)
NO. | NO.AU | AU | AF | |
1128 | 1098 | 208 | [Correa,DF, Stevenson,PR, Umaña,MN, Coelho,LD,... | [Dallmeier,Francisco, Hoffman,Bruce, Zent,Egle... |
1457 | 1420 | 131 | [Sousa,TR, Schietti,J, Ribeiro,IO, Emílio,T, F... | [Coelho,Fernanda, Esquivel-Muelbert,Adriane, F... |
7901 | 7725 | 92 | [Kreibich,H, Van Loon,AF, Schröter,K, Ward,PJ,... | [Tian,Fuqiang, Van Loon,Anne F., de Ruiter,Mar... |
1351 | 1316 | 91 | [Kretibich,H, Schröter,K, Di Baldassarre,G, Va... | [Tian,Fuqiang, Van Loon,Anne F., de Ruiter,Mar... |
3487 | 3403 | 76 | [Zhang,SH, Zhang,C, Cai,WJ, Bai,YQ, Callaghan,... | [Zeng,Yiping, Huang,Cunrui, Jiang,Qiaolei, Che... |
3833 | 3745 | 70 | [Harvey,JA, Tougeron,K, Gols,R, Heinen,R, Abar... | [Stork,Nigel, De Snoo,Geert R., Duffy,Grant A.... |
8437 | 8246 | 52 | [Smith,MN, Stark,SC, Taylor,TC, Schietti,J, de... | [Lima,Albertina P., Stark,Scott C., Aragao,Lui... |
6703 | 6552 | 49 | [Beringer,J, Moore,CE, Cleverly,J, Campbell,DI... | [Liddell,Michael, Kirschbaum,Miko U. F., Grieb... |
7736 | 7562 | 49 | [van Hateren,TC, Jongen,HJ, Al-Zawaidah,H, Bee... | [Meshram,Sumit M., Pinto,Rose B., Chiquito Ges... |
4736 | 4630 | 47 | [Bloeschl,G, Hall,J, Viglione,A, Perdigao,RAP,... | [Zaimi,Klodian, Kiss,Andrea, Kireeva,Maria, Ha... |
新建一个 DataFrame
,对 DT
# 对 DT 列出现的文献类型进行计数
dt_df = df['DT'].value_counts().reset_index(name='COUNT')
# 插入一列百分比并保留两位小数
dt_df['PER'] = dt_df['COUNT'] / dt_df['COUNT'].sum()*100
DT | COUNT | PER | |
0 | Article | 9951 | 89.318733 |
1 | Review | 824 | 7.396104 |
2 | Article;Early Access | 120 | 1.077103 |
3 | Editorial Material | 102 | 0.915537 |
4 | Article;Proceedings Paper | 49 | 0.439817 |
5 | Review;Early Access | 17 | 0.152590 |
6 | Book Review | 17 | 0.152590 |
7 | Letter | 14 | 0.125662 |
8 | Article;Data Paper | 12 | 0.107710 |
9 | Review;Book Chapter | 10 | 0.089759 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# 绘制文献类型的饼图, 合并占比小于 1% 的文献类型
temp = dt_df.copy()
temp.loc[temp['PER'].astype(float) < 3, 'DT'] = 'Others'
temp = temp.groupby('DT').agg({'COUNT': 'sum', 'PER': 'sum'}).reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.pie(temp['COUNT'], labels=temp['DT'], autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140)
plt.title('Document Type Distribution')
新建一个 DataFrame
,按 PY
- 对
计数 - 统计
计数的平均值 - 统计
计数的平均值 - 统计
计数的平均值 - 统计
值得注意的是,尽管我们的筛选的时候限定了 Year Published 字段,但是该字段实际上包含了 publication year 和 early access date 两个时间。因此部分 early access 不在 2024 年,但 publish 在 2024 年的文献也会被选中下载下来。
# 新建一个 DataFrame
trend_df = pd.DataFrame()
# 对 PY 列计数,并按照年份升序排列
trend_df = df['PY'].value_counts().reset_index()
trend_df.sort_values('PY', ascending=True, inplace=True)
# 将计数结果列重命名为 'P'
trend_df.rename(columns={'count': 'P'}, inplace=True)
# 按 PY 列,对 NO.AU 列进行求和
# 要先把 NO.AU 列从 no_au_df 中取出来,然后按 PY 列分组,对 NO.AU 列进行求和
temp = pd.DataFrame()
temp['PY'] = df['PY']
temp['NO.AU'] = no_au_df['NO.AU']
trend_df['NO.AU'] = temp.groupby('PY')['NO.AU'].sum().values
# 计算 NO.AU/P 列
trend_df['NO.AU/P'] = trend_df['NO.AU'] / trend_df['P']
# 按 PY 列,对 NR 列进行求和
trend_df['NR'] = df.groupby('PY')['NR'].sum().values
# 计算 NR/P 列
trend_df['NR/P'] = trend_df['NR'] / trend_df['P']
# 按 PY 列,对 PG 列进行求和
trend_df['PG'] = df.groupby('PY')['PG'].sum().values
# 计算 PG/P 列
trend_df['PG/P'] = trend_df['PG'] / trend_df['P']
# 按 PY 列,对 TC 列进行求和
trend_df['TC'] = df.groupby('PY')['TC'].sum().values
# 计算 TC/P 列
trend_df['TC/P'] = trend_df['TC'] / trend_df['P']
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
trend_df.to_csv('data/trend-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
PY | P | NO.AU | NO.AU/P | NR | NR/P | PG | PG/P | TC | TC/P | |
4 | 2019 | 1663 | 7956 | 4.784125 | 114095 | 68.607937 | 25243 | 15.179194 | 44762 | 26.916416 |
3 | 2020 | 2038 | 9843 | 4.829735 | 144795 | 71.047596 | 32444 | 15.919529 | 42823 | 21.012267 |
2 | 2021 | 2291 | 11505 | 5.021825 | 172381 | 75.242689 | 37982 | 16.578787 | 31052 | 13.553907 |
1 | 2022 | 2525 | 13137 | 5.202772 | 194930 | 77.200000 | 43214 | 17.114455 | 17522 | 6.939406 |
0 | 2023 | 2624 | 14057 | 5.357088 | 204667 | 77.998095 | 45339 | 17.278582 | 6329 | 2.411966 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 横坐标为整数的年份
# 在第一个图形上绘制年份与文献数量的趋势图
plt.plot(trend_df['PY'], trend_df['P'], label='Paper', marker='o')
# 在同一个图形上绘制年份与 NO.AU/P NR/P PG/P TC/P 的趋势图
plt.plot(trend_df['PY'], trend_df['NO.AU/P'], label='Authors per Paper', marker='o', color='g')
plt.plot(trend_df['PY'], trend_df['NR/P'], label='References per Paper', marker='o', color='m')
plt.plot(trend_df['PY'], trend_df['PG/P'], label='Pages per Paper', marker='o', color='b')
plt.plot(trend_df['PY'], trend_df['TC/P'], label='Cited per Paper', marker='o', color='r')
新建一个 DataFrame
,将 RP
新版 WOS 导出的 RP
字段包含 (corresponding author)
Alotaibi, BA (corresponding author), King Saud Univ, Coll Food & Agr Sci, Dept Agr Extens & Rural Soc, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.; Abbas, A (corresponding author), Univ Agr Faisalabad, Inst Agr & Resource Econ, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan.
# 创建一个新的 DataFrame
rp_df = pd.DataFrame()
rp_df['RP'] = df['RP']
# 删除 NAN 的行
rp_df.dropna(subset=['RP'], inplace=True)
# 分割 RP 列中的字符串,以 ',' 为分隔符分割为一个列表
rp_df['RP'] = rp_df['RP'].str.split(',')
# 把单元格列表中第二项字符串里的 ' (corresponding author)' 去除
rp_df['RP'] = rp_df['RP'].apply(lambda x: [x[0],x[1].replace(' (corresponding author)', ''),x[2]])
# 合并列表前三项,用 ',' 连接
rp_df['RP'] = rp_df['RP'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x[:3]))
# 对 RP 列计数
rp_df = rp_df['RP'].value_counts().reset_index(name='P')
# 将计数结果列重命名
rp_df.rename(columns={'RP':'RP,Ins.'}, inplace=True)
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
rp_df.to_csv('data/rp-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
RP,Ins. | P | |
0 | Ahmad,D,COMSATS Univ Islamabad | 14 |
1 | Chen,XH,Sun Yat Sen Univ | 12 |
2 | Wasko,C,Univ Melbourne | 11 |
3 | Thaler,T,Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci | 9 |
4 | Wang,HL,Zhengzhou Univ | 9 |
5 | Tran,TA,Natl Univ Singapore | 9 |
6 | Sharma,A,Univ New South Wales | 8 |
7 | Xu,YP,Zhejiang Univ | 8 |
8 | Shrestha,S,Asian Inst Technol | 7 |
9 | Tan,ML,Univ Sains Malaysia | 7 |
新建一个 DataFrame
,将 AF
fau_df = pd.DataFrame()
fau_df['FAF'] = no_au_df['AF']
# 提取 FAF 列中的第一个作者
fau_df['FAF'] = fau_df['FAF'].apply(lambda x: x[0])
# 对 FAF 列计数
fau_df = fau_df['FAF'].value_counts().reset_index(name='P')
# 删除 [Anonymous] 行
fau_df = fau_df[fau_df['FAF'] != '[Anonymous]']
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
fau_df.to_csv('data/faf-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
FAF | P | |
0 | Thaler,Thomas | 23 |
1 | Hinkel,Jochen | 15 |
2 | Botzen,W. J. Wouter | 15 |
3 | Wasko,Conrad | 14 |
4 | Ahmad,Dilshad | 14 |
5 | Le Cozannet,Goneri | 12 |
6 | Henstra,Daniel | 10 |
7 | Chen,Albert S. | 9 |
8 | Liu,Junguo | 8 |
9 | Lai,Chengguang | 8 |
新建一个 DataFrame
,将 AF
# 创建一个新的 DataFrame
au_df = pd.DataFrame()
au_df['AF'] = no_au_df['AF']
# 将 AF 列中的列表展开
au_df = au_df.explode('AF')
# 对 AF 列计数
au_df = au_df['AF'].value_counts().reset_index(name='P')
# 删除 [Anonymous] 行
au_df = au_df[au_df['AF'] != '[Anonymous]']
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
au_df.to_csv('data/af-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
AF | P | |
0 | Xia,Jun | 33 |
1 | Thaler,Thomas | 27 |
2 | Xu,Chong-Yu | 27 |
3 | Botzen,W. J. Wouter | 26 |
4 | Wasko,Conrad | 25 |
5 | Aerts,Jeroen C. J. H. | 24 |
6 | Chen,Xiaohong | 22 |
7 | Wang,Hao | 22 |
8 | Hinkel,Jochen | 22 |
9 | Nicholls,Robert J. | 20 |
# 绘制前 10 位作者的柱状图
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.barplot(x='P', y='AF', data=au_df.head(10), palette='viridis')
plt.title('Top 10 Authors')
# 绘制前 10 位第一作者的柱状图
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.barplot(x='P', y='FAF', data=fau_df.head(10), palette='viridis')
plt.ylabel('First Author')
plt.title('Top 10 First Authors')
新建一个 DataFrame
,利用数据透视表,同时按 PY
和 DE
# 创建一个新的 DataFrame
de_df = pd.DataFrame()
de_df['PY'] = df['PY']
de_df['DE'] = df['DE'].str.split(';')
de_df = de_df.explode('DE')
# 利用数据透视表,对 DE 列进行计数
de_pivot = pd.pivot_table(de_df, index='DE', columns='PY', aggfunc=len, fill_value=0)
de_pivot['All'] = de_pivot.sum(axis=1)
de_pivot = de_pivot.sort_values(by='All', ascending=False, axis=0)
# # 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
de_df.to_csv('data/de-data.txt', sep='\t')
PY | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | All |
DE | ||||||
climate change | 214 | 260 | 341 | 376 | 345 | 1536 |
Climate change | 197 | 257 | 286 | 271 | 344 | 1355 |
flooding | 44 | 53 | 48 | 61 | 58 | 264 |
Flood | 30 | 29 | 47 | 46 | 57 | 209 |
Flooding | 34 | 43 | 44 | 40 | 41 | 202 |
flood | 27 | 24 | 51 | 46 | 52 | 200 |
Adaptation | 39 | 40 | 42 | 32 | 39 | 192 |
Resilience | 20 | 37 | 48 | 29 | 28 | 162 |
floods | 24 | 29 | 21 | 41 | 37 | 152 |
Floods | 24 | 24 | 31 | 32 | 40 | 151 |
# 假设 de_pivot 是一个 DataFrame,其中的行是关键词,列是年份,值是关键词出现的次数
top_num = 6
# 去掉 'All' 列
top_keywords = de_pivot.drop(columns='All').head(top_num)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
# 将年份转换为浮点数
years = top_keywords.columns.astype(int)
# 使用 stackplot() 函数创建堆积图
plt.stackplot(years, top_keywords.values, labels=top_keywords.index)
plt.title('Top {} Keywords Over Time'.format(top_num))
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
新建一个 DataFrame
,选取 C1
[Chang, Carlos M.] Florida Int Univ, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Miami, FL 33174 USA; [Chang, Carlos M.; Weidner, Jeffrey] Univ Texas El Paso, Ctr Transportat Infrastruct Syst, Dept Civil Engn, 500 West Univ Ave, El Paso, TX 79968 USA; [Ortega, Oscar] Univ Texas El Paso, Ctr Transportat Infrastruct Syst, Infrastruct Management Grp, 500 West Univ Ave, El Paso, TX 79968 USA
import re
# 创建一个新的 DataFrame
c1_df = pd.DataFrame()
c1_df['NO.'] = df['No.']
# 定义一个字典,其中的键是正则表达式,值是替换的字符串
patterns = {
r',\w{2}\s\d{5}\sUSA$': ',USA',
r',\w{2}\sUSA$': ',USA',
r',\w{2}\s\d{5}$': ',USA',
r',\w{2}$': ',USA',
r',northern ireland$': ',UK',
r',scotland$': ',UK',
r',wales$': ',UK',
r',england$': ',UK',
r',Peoples R China$': ',China',
r',Hong Kong(,Peoples R China)?$': ',China',
def abstract_author_address(s):
if type(s) != str:
return s
matchs = re.findall(r'\[(.*?)\]\s(.*?)(?:;|$)', s)
if len(matchs) == 0:
return s
result = []
close_author = []
for m in matchs:
# 读取两个捕获组的内容
authors = m[0].split(';')
address = m[1]
# 对每个正则表达式进行匹配和替换
for pattern, replacement in patterns.items():
if re.search(pattern, address, re.I):
address = re.sub(pattern, replacement, address, flags=re.I)
# # 将作者列表展开并与地址拼接
# for author in authors:
# if author not in close_author:
# close_author.append(author)
# result.append(author + ';' + address)
# 将每个作者的国家作为结果
for author in authors:
if author not in close_author:
return result
c1_df['C1'] = df['C1'].apply(abstract_author_address)
# 将单元格的列表中重复的元素去掉
c1_df['C1'] = c1_df['C1'].apply(lambda x: list(set(x)) if isinstance(x, list) else x)
# 对 C1 列中的列表展开
count_c1_df = c1_df.explode('C1')
# 统计 C1 列
count_c1_df = count_c1_df['C1'].value_counts().reset_index(name='COUNT')
# 计算百分比
count_c1_df['PER'] = count_c1_df['COUNT'] / count_c1_df['COUNT'].sum() * 100
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
count_c1_df.to_csv('data/c1-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
single_c1_df = pd.DataFrame()
single_c1_df['SC1'] = c1_df['C1']
# 统计 SC1 列中列表长度为 1 的行
single_c1_df = single_c1_df[single_c1_df['SC1'].apply(lambda x: type(x) == list and len(x) == 1)]
single_c1_df = single_c1_df.explode('SC1')
single_c1_df = single_c1_df['SC1'].value_counts().reset_index(name='COUNT')
# 计算百分比
single_c1_df['PER'] = single_c1_df['COUNT'] / single_c1_df['COUNT'].sum() * 100
# 查找 USA 的合作国家
usa_cp_df = c1_df[c1_df['C1'].apply(lambda x: type(x) == list and 'USA' in x)].copy()
usa_cp_df = usa_cp_df.explode('C1')
# 删除 USA
usa_cp_df['C1'] = usa_cp_df['C1'].apply(lambda x: x if x != 'USA' else None)
usa_cp_df.dropna(subset=['C1'], inplace=True)
# 统计合作国家
usa_cp_df = usa_cp_df['C1'].value_counts().reset_index(name='COUNT')
# 计算百分比
usa_cp_df['PER'] = usa_cp_df['COUNT'] / usa_cp_df['COUNT'].sum() * 100
# 保存为 tab 分隔的 txt 文件
usa_cp_df.to_csv('data/usa-cp-data.txt', sep='\t', index=False)
C1 | COUNT | PER | |
0 | China | 327 | 14.192708 |
1 | UK | 208 | 9.027778 |
2 | Canada | 122 | 5.295139 |
3 | Germany | 118 | 5.121528 |
4 | Australia | 118 | 5.121528 |
5 | Netherlands | 110 | 4.774306 |
6 | France | 88 | 3.819444 |
7 | Brazil | 73 | 3.168403 |
8 | India | 70 | 3.038194 |
9 | Italy | 69 | 2.994792 |
top_num = 10
# 绘制国家论文数量的柱状图
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.barplot(x='COUNT', y='C1', data=count_c1_df.head(top_num), palette='viridis')
plt.title('Top {} Countries'.format(top_num))
# 绘制单一国家论文数量的柱状图
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.barplot(x='COUNT', y='SC1', data=single_c1_df.head(top_num), palette='viridis')